The weekend seemed to fly past - shopping as usual on Saturday morning, then a spot of gardening in the afternoon. About time, I hear you say. Ripped out a lot of unnecessary scabious which was filling in too much space and gave those of the roses I could reach a light trim; mostly dead-heading. Must do something about the pile of bits masquerading as a compost heap. Heap, yes; compost, no. Still lots to do.
Saturday evening P came for a feed and we watched Russian ark and Travelling birds. Both interesting for different reasons; I'm not sure if I want to see the Ark again, but could easily watch those wonderful birds.
Rode to Mum's and back again on Sunday, returning borrowed DVDs on way home. I should do more of the biking, but after work I just want to make and eat dinner then fall stunned in front of increasingly mediocre telly. Then in the evening I went to P's for dinner. B still in hospital and not expected home until today at the earliest (but haven't rung yet to see). After the test results the surgeons want him back next week to have a little more removed, just to be sure.
Heard from Tat yesterday; she has developed a bad toothache and, while she was hoping to get an appointment today, is having to wait until Thursday. Hope the special mouthwash helps. With luck I'll see her tomorrow for a double rehearsal evening -- Bach and Saint Saƫns.
This morning as I lay in bed I listened to a gentle shower (alas, no more) and thought I heard the garden sighing with thanks, but saying "More, please". If the BOM is to be trusted there are more showers ahead.
Work this evening.