Yesterday morning was exceeding eerie; the air was full of smoke from the bushfires and the visibility was very low. The smoke gave the light a strange, foreboding quality.
I've had a fairly busy weekend: yesterday morning we had a rehearsal for EG in the morning followed by lunch with the choir at the Great Northern in North Carlton. The food was good and the place was not screamingly busy or too expensive.
After lunch we all returned to Trinity Chapel to rehearse and then sing for a wedding. It all went off OK but you have to wonder at the ethos that expects the guests to dress up in dinner suits and evening gowns for an afternoon wedding on one of the hottest days so far. Or ever, really. Seriously, is there anything more uncomfortable? And meaningless.
Afterwards NE, who had kindly picked me up, dropped me back home and I managed to sneak in 30 winks before setting for B&P's for a delicious meal of smoked trout, cajun chicken salad and berries and ice cream. KL was there as well and it was lovely to catch up.
This morning I was off a little earlier to Mum's before coming in to work. The upside of working today (Sunday) is that I get Tuesday off. Mum's place was nice and cool, especially the bathroom. By now the change has hit; I hope those fighting fires get some rain and relief from their desperate situation.