Sunday, December 17, 2006

Getting there

It's not been the happiest couple of weeks, what with the burglary and Pushka's passing. I get home expecting to hear her insistent miaow outside wanting to come in, or expecting some food or water or even just a cuddle.

However things are improving with replacements starting to appear. And last night's Gombert concert also helped to make me feel a bit better as it went off very well; I enjoyed singing the fascinating program very much. Afterwards there was a reception for the subscribers with champers and nibbles which was a nice way to top things off. And Tat has kindly lent me an amplifier until my replacement arrives in stock next month.

Today I went for my usual visit to Mum who is well and was looking very chirpy today.


Blogger Niki said...

You know, the priest at Flops said a few years ago that this time of year is often difficult; emotions and expectations are high, things are coming to an end and there is the prospect of new and unfamiliar things begninning. I've often thought how right he is, and I do find this time of year is difficult enough, without added extras happening. I hope you make it through fairly unscathed and can look forward to future improvements.

3:51 pm  

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