A voyage to the east
So I caught the bus down to Richmond where I jumped on a train to Nunawading (memories of Cassius Cuckoo shouting Nun-a-wa-DING!**). After taking a wrong turning into the Maroondah highway (strangely Whitehorse Road, Nunawading, produces only White Court on www.whereis.com.au) I made it to Hardly Normal where I successfully retrieved my Creative Zen. I checked that all was now working properly and set off for the station.
When I got to the station I tried to validate my monthly ticket but the machine told me that it was for the wrong zone. Oops, I'd totally forgotten that there were any other zones than Zone 1. At Flinders Street I began to tell the man on the exit barrier that I thought my ticket wouldn't work, but he just took it from me and put it into the barrier. Bingo, the doors opened; I was quite prepared to pay an extension, but didn't even get the chance to offer. So much for the system.
I don't think I want to visit Nunawading, Blackburn, Box Hill and other parts east again by train; though it was a pleasant trip there is nothing out there to attract me.
* If anyone reads this blog and wants a recommendation for a piano tuner ask me for details.
** Very old kid's TV reference: Cassius Cuckoo (voiced by Colin McEwan, recently deceased) was Leonardo da Funbird's offsider/nemesis on the Magic Circle Club in the 60s on Channel 0 which was of course in Nunawading. One day my brain will explode.