Sunday, September 30, 2007

Not a wedding, but more fun

Friday's concert went off very well - it was recorded by the ABC (GH was the engineer) so I'll have to keep a careful eye on the programs. B&KMcR were there, as was B, who we drove home.

Yesterday was the normal shopping followed by lunch in Brunswick Street, then not long after I got home Tat arrived to whisk me off to Warburton. We booked into the motel and made our way up to the house where J and M's commitment ceremony was to be held.

It was a very swish modern house and was full of J&M's friends and family. They had a simple ceremony conducted by not-a-celebrant; M's father made a lovely speech and the brides exchanged vows and rings.

There was lots to eat and drink - a wide range of finger food including some very tasty filet mignon wrapped with bacon (yum). Instead of a cake they had a whole cheese (a raclette) which they ceremonially cut together before cutting off large slices for the cheese platters. We also had some delicious little cakes from Brunetti's.

It was a lovely night and it was great to catch up with so many people I've sung with over the years - the Gomberts sang and M's brother played the oboe (JOD does Morricone).

The loving support for M&J from her friends, and especially her family was very moving and flies in the face of the government's attitude to the inequalities faced by gays. No Mr Howard, it is NOT "too complicated".

This morning Tat and I took the long way home through the Yarra Valley; the weather was a bit damp so we couldn't see any fabulous views, but the countryside is very beautiful. We stopped in Healesville for very delicious pain au chocolat and coffee at the Innocent Bystander/Giant Steps winery. We also bought some amazing-looking bread from there - it tastes amazing too. Pity they're not closer to town.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The last few days

On Monday B&P came for dinner and we watched Saturday's episode of Dr Who. It was the series finale and tied up quite a lot of threads (some I didn't realise needed it). They had a nice weekend in the Tarra Valley with some nice walks and birds to enjoy.

Last night was the final rehearsal for Friday's concert - it went off quite well despite there being some people missing. At least we got to go through the Schütz; while it's not difficult I'm glad I don't have to sight-read it in performance.

This morning I walked up to Smith Street and on B's recommendation bought some new jeans at a shop that stocks short leg jeans. As it turns out, they're still a bit long, but not too long to just roll the bottoms up a bit. Tonight I'm working so there's not much of interest there.

I spoke to DG, who has now moved to Newstead (although he's in Melbourne tonight). I'm hoping to stay with him for a few days soon - a week off work will be nice, and spending some time at Newstead will be the icing on the cake.

Did I mention the concert?

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Pixar at Fed Square

Don't miss it.

Spring has sprung

The magnolia flowers have finished and now it's coming into leaf; the roses will be out soon. Even the quince is in flower though no blossom on the apple yet. We've had some glorious weather - alas, not nearly enough rain so this summer is set to be another dry time.

There's a great concert coming up next week - music of Monteverdi, Gabrieli, Schein and Schütz for choir with accompanying period instruments, including some great sackbuts. All conducted by the talented Grantley McDonald. It's at Melba Hall on Friday night.

Last week I took Friday off to help DG move his stuff up to the cottage in Newstead where he's moving. It was a great day and the only really difficult piece to move was the washing machine, and even that wasn't too bad. We had pies for lunch at Malmsbury and a nice dinner at the Park Hotel later that night.

As P&B have gone away for the weekend I broke out the shopping jeep this morning for a quick trip to the supermarket in Smith Street. Afterwards I treated myself to brunch at Cavallero; it seems that the latest fashion accessory is a baby - the place was bursting with them today.

A glorious day allowed me to get a load of washing dried this afternoon. Later LE came to check out possible new positions at her work; unfortunately there didn't seem to be much going at the moment.

Monday, September 10, 2007

This looks interesting

From Nils Holger Moorman
Doesn't look too comfortable though.
Anonymous asks about the "black pipe": It's actually a wheel - the whole thing can be moved around like a wheelbarrow (on which I guess it's built).

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Quick ketchup

Last week DG and I had a delightful evening out with JE and DN. We all met at D&J's and walked to Rumi, a great Middle-Eastern restaurant at the top of Lygon Street. I heartily urge all readers with even the vaguest interest in food to go there and experience their great food. Though it's probably best to leave it for a week or so as it was mentioned twice in last week's theage(melbourne)magazine and so might be a bit busy for a while.

Shopped as usual on Saturday morning though without the excitement of a market. Fed B&P on Saturday night with more pizza (I do so enjoy playing with dough) and nephew SP came on Sunday to help me eat up leftovers.

Monday night was rehearsal (Note to prospective audience members: the concert on Sunday is at Trinity Chapel in Royal Parade, not St Mark's) which included birthday celebrations for AR who turned 40. As it was our dress rehearsal we couldn't really spend too much time in festivities, alas.

Last night I went to P&B's for dinner - P (who has been feeling poorly) had cooked a wonderful roast chicken which was followed by B's luscious strawberry ice-cream. We do eat well.

This morning before work I took myself off to ACMI to see the wonderful Pixar exhibition. the highlight was the "artscape" which was a video (high-def?) which was four times as wide as normal and showed an amazing and intricate amount of pre-production work from all (most) the Pixar films. Very impressive.

And then to work.

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