Bach to Handel
On the weekend I went with DG up to Maldon to look at a house he's thinking of renting. It was a glorious day and we had an effortless drive up (and back). The house seemed appropriate for DG's needs and he will put in a request for it (I think). We lunched in Castlemaine before returning to town.
The countryside, which was brown and parched the last time I was up that way, is now lush and green. Let's hope we get some more decent rain in the right places.
On Monday we had a rehearsal at St John's for Sunday's B minor mass Credo. It's a hard sing, sitting quite high, but still very satisfying. There were still only three tenors; it's a bit much to expect to sing a work like this on only one rehearsal. I get a bit cross with people who expect to sing in these projects and then say, "Oh ... I can't make all the rehearsals - but I'll learn it", and then swan in and mess up.
Yesterday morning I got a very pleasant surprise: a request to join Ensemble Gombert for their recording of Handel's Dixit dominus, one of my most favourite works of the repertoire. I first sang it over 35 years ago (yes, I am that old) with the Melbourne Chorale and have done it a couple of times since then.
I had previously been unable to take up a request to sing with EG at the Woodend Winter Festival as I will be on my way to FNQ with Tat, but JOD has decided on a two-tenor solution - I get to sing in the recording and someone else (the name escapes me) will sing at Woodend. Smiles all round.
We had a rehearsal last night which meant I had to cancel dinner at P&B's. ST picked me up and brought me home thus keeping me out of the cold night air. It was great catching up with everyone and even better singing the Handel. My previous experience paid off as I was surprised by how much of it I seemed to know without even looking at the music.
The countryside, which was brown and parched the last time I was up that way, is now lush and green. Let's hope we get some more decent rain in the right places.
On Monday we had a rehearsal at St John's for Sunday's B minor mass Credo. It's a hard sing, sitting quite high, but still very satisfying. There were still only three tenors; it's a bit much to expect to sing a work like this on only one rehearsal. I get a bit cross with people who expect to sing in these projects and then say, "Oh ... I can't make all the rehearsals - but I'll learn it", and then swan in and mess up.
Yesterday morning I got a very pleasant surprise: a request to join Ensemble Gombert for their recording of Handel's Dixit dominus, one of my most favourite works of the repertoire. I first sang it over 35 years ago (yes, I am that old) with the Melbourne Chorale and have done it a couple of times since then.
I had previously been unable to take up a request to sing with EG at the Woodend Winter Festival as I will be on my way to FNQ with Tat, but JOD has decided on a two-tenor solution - I get to sing in the recording and someone else (the name escapes me) will sing at Woodend. Smiles all round.
We had a rehearsal last night which meant I had to cancel dinner at P&B's. ST picked me up and brought me home thus keeping me out of the cold night air. It was great catching up with everyone and even better singing the Handel. My previous experience paid off as I was surprised by how much of it I seemed to know without even looking at the music.