Monday, July 17, 2023

Catch up

 Yesterday I went over to the Kent Hotel to have lunch (roast of the day was pork) with David N and Julie E. It's been years since I've seen them so we had a lot to catch up on. 

This morning I did Paul K's Daybreak program as he'd contacted yesterday to say he wasn't feeling well. It was quite a good program and I enjoyed presenting it. I heard from him this afternoon and he's pretty sure he's all right for tomorrow's cover for Loretto.

Tonight I went to the MSO concert at 6:30 - Berlioz's Symphonie Fantastique. Jaime Martín spoke for about 10 minutes about the piece, which entertained the audience, then they played. It was a treat to hear it live - it's been a while.

Today was quite pleasant: occasional cloud, but temperature got to 16, I think.

Sunday, July 09, 2023

Opera and catch-up

 Last night Peter and I went to the Palais (Hoddle St bus) to see Idomeneo, a joint production by

Victorian Opera and Opera Australia. We dined first at Cicciolina, though could only get a small table in the back section. Still, the food was great - I had delicious gnocchi with pumpkin. We shared a tasty salad with pear, blue cheese and walnuts.

As we had a spare ticket for the opera, we were able to put our coats and stuff on the seat between us. After Nick T's comments in the morning (he left at interval) I was a bit wary. But once things started I found I was engaged - as I said later, it was a treat to be hearing a new Mozart opera for the first time. Well, new to me.

The production told the story well and used the simple set very well, with some excellent projections. Too often these are overdone - just because you can do something, doesn't mean you have to. The cast was excellent, from Steve Davislim in the title role, to Kathryn Radcliff and Catherine Carby as Ilia and Idamante. But for the standout was Olivia Cranwell as Elettra - her final aria, a true dummy-spit, had the walls covered in blood. An interesting insight into the early life of Elektra - we all know how she ended up.

Getting home was a trial. We decided on the tram along the Esplanade - unfortunately road works in Collins Street meant that the tram terminated at Batman Park. So we thought we'd walk up to Southern Cross and get the train. However that turned out not to be easy, with the work in Collins Street extending nearly to King Street.

Luckily I spotted a cab with its light on a little way further on, so we managed to get it. The trip was initially very slow as the traffic in King and Lonsdale Streets was appalling.

Today was uneventful - I managed to do a load of washing and went for a (shortish) walk in the afternoon. Back to Daybreak in the morning.
