Monday, August 24, 2020

I'm back

 It's been three weeks, but I haven't posted because there's not been much to talk about. Everything is much the same as it's been for months. The Victorian numbers for new cases finally seems to be coming down - let's hope it continues.

This morning was Daybreak, followed by a mailout of the On Air magazine. Unfortunately there were only four of us; despite that, we managed to get it done by about 1pm.

The radio station is managing very well - the regimen of cleaning and requirements for sanitising and mask wearing is excellent. I feel very safe there.

My book on Humperdinck finally arrived from Readings, so that's a project. I rang Peter to thank him and Bruce for the book token and had a lovely chat. They're still shopping for Noel. I must say they're braver than me - I don't fancy going to a large supermarket at the moment.

Seen on my walk home from 3MBS

Sunday, August 02, 2020

State of disaster

This afternoon Dan Andrews declared a state of disaster in Victoria. The main effect will be a curfew from 8pm to 5am, with exemptions for work and other things. Police have been given more powers to enforce. Not surprisingly, the state opposition leader can only focus on business, rather than people's lives.
It's obvious to me that is going to be a long time before things even begin to resemble life before Covid-19. I don't think things will ever be the same again.

This afternoon I had a lovely chat with Sascha from her lockdown in Sydney. She's obviously been shaken by her experience, but can see that she's done the best thing for herself.

Apart from that, today has been much like any other, plus I made a rather tasty beef casserole.
Local posters

Saturday, August 01, 2020

Another weekend

Well, today's figures are about half yesterday's, but still too many. There's a suggestion that harsher restrictions will be announced perhaps even tomorrow.

Life has become very routine, getting up, going for a walk to the IGA, coming home via Mavis with a coffee, sitting reading the paper, doing the puzzles and drinking the coffee.

Then doing any work required for 3MBS before perhaps a nap in the afternoon. I try to get a second walk in as well. I had to cut it out for a while when my hip was at its worst - still sore, but walkable.

I do try to give myself some variety in my meals, though when I'm working from a produce box, things get a bit samey. Yesterday's treat was bread and butter pudding made with the remains of a boule I got at Blackhearts and Sparrows. Delicious!