It's been much too long since my last posting. During August I have:
- Been to the European Masters exhibition at NGV International. Interesting, but not outstanding.
- Sung Tallis' Spem in alium for VMcA's 40th birthday
- Heard Stephen Fry talk for two hours non-stop - fascinating
- Bought a wizzy new computer (with JW's help); returned it to get it fixed (with CW's help)
- Been to see Scott Pilgrim vs The World - great fun
- Sung in a Gloriana concert
- Been to an organ recital at Scots' Church with D&PC
- Been to MTC production of All About My Mother
and had meals with P&B, Peter A, DG, MG, RD'C, A&M, amongst others.
I will attempt to keep this up-to-date, but make no promises.