Sunday, April 22, 2007

Lots to do

It's been a full week. On Monday we had a rehearsal for the Bach B minor mass at St John's; as Marco couldn't make it we had Graham L. It's a big sing (and we're only doing the Kyrie and Gloria) but very enjoyable. I've found that I remembered it quite well from the previous times I sang it.

Tuesday night I had off and entertained myself by making quince paste using a combination of my own and bought fruit. It turned out very nicely and has been given to selected friends who seem appreciative.

On Wednesday night P&B and DG and I went to dinner for DG's birthday. We went to the Terminus Hotel which we were alerted to by Abbotsford Blogger; the food was excellent, though I did find the 70s music slightly disturbing as I seemed to know every track.

Thursday evening I met up with members of my German class (including Dr D) at the Kino to see Das Leben der Anderen, a film about life in East Germany in the 1980s, concentrating on a writer who was being monitored by the STASI and the obsession of the STASI agent watching him. Fairly depressing, but ultimately quite moving. Having just read Anna Funder's Stasiland I found it very interesting to see another view of life in the eastern bloc before reunification.

Friday brought a rehearsal for a communion service on Saturday morning. We sang a recovered mass by Norman Kaye (written for the Canterbury Fellowship(?)) which was quite lovely. The service was, in the words of the woman priest officiating, not a "blessing of a same sex partnership". But if it wasn't that it certainly was a fair facsimile. The two involved restated the commitment they officially recorded last year in Inverness - and most of the congregation were dressed for a wedding. After that Tat and I had to rush off as we had three more hours of singing to look forward to at St John's rehearsing for this morning's Bach.

Last night AR came for dinner and at his request, to listen to Wagner and other associated music. We had a lovely time and I got to listen to some stuff I haven't heard for ages - great fun.

The B minor mass excerpts at this morning's service at St John's went off really well - this year's VCA orchestra is excellent and includes an outstanding oboist. The singers were mostly good, except for the bass who as well as inventing his own speed seemed to be singing from a score with different notes in. But I don't think any of the congregation noticed. The last chorus, Cum sancto spiritu, went like a rocket and I for one left the church on a buzz. A wonderful experience.

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Monday, April 09, 2007

Easter pilgrimage

Over Easter B and P and I went to Rutherglen to visit the wineries; in particular those wineries that grow and bottle my favourite wine - durif.

The weather was glorious and we had a good drive up on Friday, booking into the Victoria Hotel which was full up.

We visited a number of wineries, tasted a few wines, bought a few bottles and ate some nice meals. Saturday night at the hotel was a bit noisy, but despite the racket I slept well.

On the way home on Sunday we dropped in to Chiltern and visited the house Henry Handel Richardson lived in for eighteen months around 1876/77.

The Victoria Hotel, Rutherglen



Henry Handel Richardson house at Chiltern.

At Campbell's winery.

At Gehrig's.