Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Cool Tuesday

Top temperature today is 14C, but feels to me much colder. I started the day with a visit to 3MBS to catch up with Loretto and Stewart for coffee. I managed to help L solve one of her computer problems, but as I'm not familiar with Macs, couldn't fix her other problems.

Listened to the new CD of Benjamin Bernheim, a French tenor who was recommended by Doug B. He's very good. I have a few discs of French tenors, and the repertoire is a bit repetetive: "Pourquoi me reveiller?", "Ah, lève-toi, soleil!", "Salut, demeure chaste et pure" plus some Verdi and Donizetti. I suppose it's fodder for a comparison program.

Victoria's shutdown restrictions are being eased from midnight tonight (or more precisely, 11:59) - this will allow home visits for a total of 5 people, and a few other things.

Now it's probably time for another walk.

Autumn leaves


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