Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Space Station sighting

Yesterday evening I saw the ISS pass overhead - almost directly above me. I'd heard about it from some alert I'd  seen online. It was easily identified and moved a lot faster than I expected.

It's due again tonight, as is a meteor shower, though that is a bit too late for me.

Today I was actually busy: after my morning shop and coffee I went to 3MBS where Manny plan was to print off the labels for this month's mailout. Unfortunately, things did not go as planned. I had problems with the printer, then, when that was sorted out, I realised that the file Richard had sent me hasn't been sorted by postcode.

After a bit odd to-ing and fro-ing with Howard and Richard I finally got everything printed and managed to get the individual postcodes and the VCR sequence labels on the envelopes. Grace was going to be in this afternoon to print out the renewals.

Richard and some of the other staff will be in tomorrow to take envelopes to be stuffed along with boxes of On Air. I'll go in and do a bit of stuffing myself.

While I was there I got a message from Australia Post saying that the box of wine I was expecting (that was over a week late) had been taken to the Abbotsford Past Office.

I left a bit after 1pm to be home in time for the delivery of the produce box from The Farm Cafe. Of course, when I got home the boss was sitting on the doorstep. I gave the milk, a bunch of bananas and a cucumber to Steph next door.

At 4pm Margaret and I did today's quiz via Zoom (we scored 17) and after that I took the shopping jeep (in which I found the umbrella I thought lost) over to the Post Office to collect the Scion wine.

The ISS is the light in the middle



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