Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Return to class

Last night was the first German class for this year. Unfortunately DrD can't make it this year. From last year's class there are just Margie, Kevin and me remaining. But others bring the numbers up to 11. Our teacher this year is Birgit who has an unpronounceable (and unspellable) surname, so I won't even try.

I was happy to discover that I wasn't the only person not to have done any revision over the break. We spent some time introducing ourselves before getting down to business. I think it will be a good group.

After class I made a dash for the train and managed to get home to grab a bottle to take to P&B's for dinner. P had made a delicious meal of pork with prunes and redcurrant jelly followed by B's very tasty passionfruit icecream (but most of you probably already know that from B's blog) .

This morning I caught up with Monday's Desperate Housewives and made my way into work after picking up more Lipitor from the Health Centre. It has been a very pleasant day - sunny, but not too hot.

With luck I should get the laptop back tomorrow - I got an email saying that it was despatched today. Unfortunately it has been sent by the same company that lost the first one back in July. Keep your fingers crossed...


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