Thursday, November 27, 2003

Last night was parts one to three of the XO and went off very well -- in the warm-up (tops and tails, Hah! how about let's sing all the choruses) one of the tenors (no names) came in a beat early at "Lassen uns den gehen gen Bethlehem" which was a bit scary, but all was OK in performance. Not a lot of audience, but warm nonetheless. SF asked me if I'd be interested in doing a gig for her sister F which involves carols and a nursing home. I surprised myself by agreeing -- it's on Friday 12 December and since I wasn't otherwise engaged I said yes. FF left a message last night saying that the group would be paid $200 which she said we can split, or all go out for dinner; I think the food is the go.

Tram home afterwards with NT and a violinist. We told her horror stories of MvP in the past. N's MK should be there tonight; I'm looking forward to catching up with him, it's been a while.

On to parts four to six.


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