Saturday, September 06, 2003

Much too long.

I'm on leave for a couple of weeks - half way through. Last Monday I went to my appointment for the Health Victoria 2000 survey - they took blood, measured my waist and hips (too big) and weighed me (much too big); then I was talked through a questionnaire about a range of things: activity levels, how much time I spent sitting (too much), etc. Got the results of the tests in the mail - blood pressure marginally too high, as was my blood sugar levels. According to the BMI I am officially obese. Have decided this time to do something about it.

Accordingly I've had a good walk each day since - at least an hour each time. Am also finally being a bit more selective about what I eat. Let's see if I can keep it up.

Wednesday evening Barbara N and I went to hear Donald McIntyre in conversation with David Kram at the VCA - interspersed with performances from students of the VCA Opera School (none stood out). DK is a funny little person, DMcI was interesting, but no natural raconteur. Worth going too, though.

Bruce S's therapy continues; he's getting pretty tired I think and his mouth doesn't let him eat much that isn't very smooth. But he's completed five of seven weeks now, so there's an end in sight.

Last night sang in a concert at St Mary's North Melbourne (Anglican) under Jonathan Wallis. Went off much better than I thought it would. Program included Josquin's Ave Maria and Praeter rerum seriem, Palestrina Stabat mater, Britten Hymn to the virgin, Bruckner Ave Maria, Brahms Marianlieder and a couple of Marian carols. Not a huge audience, but appreciative. Barbara N and Unity A were there, but UA left before I got a chance to speak to her.


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