Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Two months away... but not yet

I don't think I've mentioned that I'm planning a trip overseas this year. Tat and I are spending seven weeks in Europe: a fortnight driving around Britain, followed by some time in eastern Europe before returning to London and then home.

We've been planning for a while now and it's all falling into place; quite a lot of it is already booked thanks to the wonders of the internet. Really, I don't know how we coped before. The down side of all this is that we don't leave until September. Oh well, that leaves us plenty of time to work out exactly where we want to go and what we want to do.

Last night P and Tat and I took ourselves down to Vic Gardens (our shopping mall of choice) to see The lion, the witch and the wardrobe, which I enjoyed much more than I was expecting. Tilda Swinton was magnificent. It's many years since I read the books (I may look them out again soon) but much of the story came back during the film. Though when I saw the field of battle I half expected to see Aragorn and Legolas in the middle of the throng. So much of the scenery was strangely familiar.

This morning I caught up with LE (with whom we had a birthday dinner on Monday) and we set off for the Museum to see the William Morris and marine creatures exhibitions. The Morris is amazing stuff, but I really don't think I could live with any of it; a little goes a long way. The marine creatures exibit was a bit too overcrowded with little people but we had an interesting time nonetheless.

Then, as it's Wednesday again, it was off to the city for a bite to eat and on to work.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

When in September are you leaving - I have a schedule to work out! While we can probably cover the tenors, the altos could be a problem, especially if Herr Direktor programs the four-choir piece he’s been threatening to.

9:57 am  

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