Monday, May 17, 2004

The weekend just gone

On Saturday afternoon Mum and I went to one of the last performances of Urinetown - the musical, which we both really enjoyed. It's really about fighting for personal freedoms rather than pissoirs; it also plays a bit with the musical genre, indulging in a little post-modern self-referencing. The score is not madly memorable but the performance had great energy from a great cast, which included Shane Bourne, Collette Mann, Gerry Connolly and Rhonda Burchmore. Good fun.

Sunday was the regular visit to Mum's for lunch -- she said she'd been a bit poorly, a repeat of what she'd had a few months ago, but persistent. This morning I had a call from her to say that it hadn't abated overnight and that she'd called the doctor. He suggested she take herself off to Cabrini, so my brother took her in. I spoke to him later and he said that she's been admitted overnight and that they would do more tests in the morning. They initially guessed her age as around 75 -- "keep guessing", said my brother. They were astonished to find out she's 91.

So, it's been a little stressful today -- I'm confident things will be OK, but we'll wait and see.

Sunday night I was expecting P&B for irish stew (and the inevitable quinces), but as P was feeling poorly (I fear he's developed my cold) it was just B and I sitting down to eat. We watched a bit of the Eurovision Song Contest (ick) then turned over to Best in show, which we both enjoyed.


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