Sunday, April 05, 2020

2020 is a mess

Well, it's been over a year - let's try again.

The world has changed into a very strange place with the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic. At the moment we in Melbourne are in lock down, with limited reasons allowed for going outside.

Currently I'm still presenting programs at 3MBS, albeit from tomorrow it will only be once a fortnight. But I'll still be working from home, re-packaging programs from last year for broadcast. There will now be only two programs per day presented live-to-air: Daybreak and Intermezzo, with the rest being recycled material.

I find when I'm not doing this editing work, I want to cook. The down side being that then I have to eat what I've cooked. Not a good combination with reduced physical activity. I'm trying to get in at least two walks a day, but this may become more difficult as the weather gets more unreliable.

I've started watching operas, and other performances, on YouTube and the newly created Melbourne Digital Concert Hall - certainly a great way of passing the time. One can only watch so many dramas on Netflix.

Photo: Botanic Gardens, April 3, 2010

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