Art and music
Last Sunday's Gloriana concert went off well, though unfortunately there was no review published. It was a glorious day and an almost full church to hear us sing our all-Italian program. The Pizzetti (which we think was a Melbourne premiere) went well - it's an interesting setting and certainly shouldn't be ignored the way it has been.
Next weekend we're off to Hamilton to sing in their Promenade of sacred music. We're singing the Vivaldi Gloria and Bach's Singet dem Herrn; then on Sunday morning those of us staying over will sing at a local church for their morning service.
During the week I took Mum to see her doctor. I told him we were a bit concerned about her short-term memory. He gave her a memory test which she didn't do so well in, and he decided that he'd do a couple of tests, including a CAT scan, to see if she's had a small stroke. I went to visit today and she seemed a bit more like her old self, which was encouraging.
Yesterday was P's birthday so he, LE, B and I went to Heide for a celebratory lunch; and afterwards to see the wonderful Rick Amor exhibition. It was a thoroughly wonderful afternoon and there are some photos below.
Next weekend we're off to Hamilton to sing in their Promenade of sacred music. We're singing the Vivaldi Gloria and Bach's Singet dem Herrn; then on Sunday morning those of us staying over will sing at a local church for their morning service.
During the week I took Mum to see her doctor. I told him we were a bit concerned about her short-term memory. He gave her a memory test which she didn't do so well in, and he decided that he'd do a couple of tests, including a CAT scan, to see if she's had a small stroke. I went to visit today and she seemed a bit more like her old self, which was encouraging.
Yesterday was P's birthday so he, LE, B and I went to Heide for a celebratory lunch; and afterwards to see the wonderful Rick Amor exhibition. It was a thoroughly wonderful afternoon and there are some photos below.
Good to have you back blogging Frank. I was worried you'd given up. Is there a recording of the Pizzeti? It was fantastic. We tracked down the Monteverdi you recommended. Looking forward to catching the Rick Amor this week.
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Frank, re comment 2 - note the similarity with comment on Loz's blog recently. Mmm. Is this a worldwide thing? Should we beware of recommended blogspots?
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