Sunday, November 01, 2015

A musical Saturday

Despite the less than pleasant weather my program this morning (which was programmed two months ago) was of music about Spring. I think it was quite a good mix, with a nice variety of forms. After a quick coffee with Doug, Loretto and some of the trainees I came home to await Adrian.

He came to run through some of his patter arias from Cenerentola, which starts next week. He had a few problems with the most complicated of them, but I think the number of run-throughs we did will help establish things for him.

Then tonight I went down to St Stephen's in Richmond for the Melbourne Metropolitan Sinfonietta concert. It was a very satisfying mix of pieces including quite a good arrangement of A night on bare mountain done by Brenton Broadstock. I caught up with Liane and will get in touch with her next week to arrange some lessons.


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