Monday, February 09, 2004

The high point of the weekend was Tat's 50th birthday party -- ST picked me up around 7. Despite the guest of honour's request for no presents I wrapped a bottle of Morris's Durif (2000) which I'm sure she'll enjoy.

I also took some sausage rolls and party pies bought on the morning's shopping expedition. However when Tat set off to put these in the spare oven (!) she discovered that the toilet door, through which she had to go to reach said oven (don't ask), was locked.

It was hoped that there was no-one slumped senseless after having locked the door. Unfortunately the outside door to the flat was also locked -- add to this that Tat's glasses were also locked in the flat. Eventually ST managed to find a key tagged Toilet door in a pile of keys on the piano. When the door was opened there was no slumped or embarassed guest in the loo and the sausage rolls and pies were successfully transferred to the oven.

Around 9pm I was given the task of putting 50 candles in the enormous chocolate cake and lighting them -- by the time they were all lit, there was plenty of wax dripped on the cake, but I don't think anyone noticed. Tat took a great breath but was unable to blow them all out at once. The cake was delicious.

Debbie (and Pumpkin), Jules and Dianne arrived soon after.

Yesterday I trained it to Mum's; which was probably just as well, as it hit 40 in the afternoon, and I would have melted had I ridden the bike.

B&P came for dinner last night (more curry) and we watched the first episode of Death in holy orders.


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