Wednesday, July 02, 2003

Last night's service went off well - angels and archangels and all the company of heaven were there: archbishop plus assorted other clerical bigwigs. Howells and Elgar went well, but, boy, the hymns went on forever!

Working evening shift tonight. This morning Sally W and Margaret G came for coffee - it was lovely catching up with Sally. She had some interesting tales of her time spent in China; she brought me a present of a CD of Chinese music wrapped in some paper she had decorated herself. She's taken up Chinese painting and, judging by the wrapping paper, is pretty damn good at it.

I finally tracked T down this afternoon. She's been lying low, but has finally made contact with a solicitor - the buyer is still interested. All the papers should be signed soon. Let her know about tomorrow's funeral - think she will probably come.

Email from Bruce saying that his computer broke down -- hard drive crashed. Has been fixed (replaced) now. He was lucky he wasn't in the middle of a project - turns out not to have lost anything vital except all his emails and addresses. Has suggested Saturday matinee (12 July) for "Kiss Me Kate".

I must try to keep this up -- it means I've got a record, even if no-one else ever sees it.


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